written by webmaster@theworldsend.net, Aug. 2001 --------------------------------------------------------- */ if(!defined('NO_MAIN')) define('NO_MAIN', 1); define('PPHL_SCRIPT_PATH' , '../'); include PPHL_SCRIPT_PATH.'main_location.inc'; include PPHL_SCRIPT_PATH.'libraries/grab_globals.lib.'.CFG_PHPEXT; /* * validIP() * checks the syntax of an IP. */ function validIP($ip) { if( ereg("^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$", $ip,$regs_array) ) { if( ($regs_array[1] == 127 or $regs_array[1] > 223 or $regs_array[1] <= 0) or $regs_array[2] > 255 or $regs_array[3] > 255 or ($regs_array[4] > 254 or $regs_array[4] <= 0)) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else { return FALSE; } } if (defined('PHP_OS') && eregi('win', PHP_OS)) define('IS_WINDOWS', 1); else define('IS_WINDOWS', 0); // check if request came from the same host if(!eregi($HTTP_HOST,$HTTP_REFERER)) { echo 'Traceroute information is only allowed if referred from the following host: '.$HTTP_HOST; exit; } // check for malicious string if (ereg(" ",@$host)) { echo 'No Space in Host field allowed !'; exit; } if (@$host <> "" && validIP($host)) { echo("PowerPhlogger Traceroute Output:
"); echo '
	// $host = escapeshellarg($host);
	if (IS_WINDOWS) system("tracert $host");
	else            system("traceroute $host");
	echo '
'; } else { echo 'Please provide us with a valid IP! (e.g. trace.php?host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)'; } ?>