If the file is located anywhere else, use an absolute path: Make sure you enter your correct username (without brakets '[]')! [path_to_pphlogger] must be the correct path to your pphlogger-directory, e.g. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(!defined('NO_SESS')) define('NO_SESS', 1); include ""; $redir_url = $url; $dlurl = $url; include INC_GETUSERDATA; $dlurl = cutURL($dlurl,true); if (!strstr($redir_url,"://")) { $redir_url = $primary_url.$redir_url; } if (!@fopen($redir_url,"r")) { header("Location: $redir_url"); //file does not exist !! exit; } if (!isset($pphloggdl)) $pphloggdl = ''; function sameDL() { //checks if file has been already downloaded before global $pphloggdl,$dlurl; $dls = explode("|",$pphloggdl); $cnt_dls = count($dls); for($i = 0; $i < $cnt_dls; $i++) { if(!strcmp($dls[$i],$dlurl)) return true; } $newdls = implode($dls,"|"); $newdls = $newdls."$dlurl"."|"; setcookie("pphloggdl", "$newdls"); return false; } if (!sameDL()) { if (!isset($$cookie_phloff)) { //Check if Phlogger is switched off through cookie $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_mpdl SET hits = hits+1 WHERE type = 'dl' AND enabled AND url = '".addslashes($dlurl)."'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); if (!mysql_affected_rows()) { // delete old disabled entry, in case there is one @mysql_query("DELETE FROM $tbl_mpdl WHERE type = 'dl' AND url = '".addslashes($dlurl)."'"); // insert a new dl entry $sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl_mpdl (type,url,since) VALUES ('dl','".addslashes($dlurl)."',$curr_gmt_time)"; $res = mysql_query($sql); } } } header("Location: $redir_url"); exit; ?>