execute(); ?>
href="?new_loglim=20">20 |  href="?new_loglim=50">50 |  href="?new_loglim=100">100 |  href="?new_loglim=200">200 |  href="?new_loglim=500">500 |  href="?new_loglim=1000">1000 ] <<<<<"; ?>

 ]  [   ]  [   ]  [   ] ".$strDemoMode.""; } if (isset($enable_del) && isset($del_log) && $guest) { echo "

".$strGuestMsg1.""; } if (!isset($enable_del) && isset($del_log)) { echo "

".$strGuestMsg2.""; } if (isset($logs_from)) $from_date = $logs_from; else $from_date = $curr_usr_time; $from_y = date('Y',$from_date); $from_m = date('m',$from_date); $from_d = date('d',$from_date); if (isset($logs_to)) $to_date = $logs_to; else $to_date = $curr_usr_time; $to_y = date('Y',$to_date); $to_m = date('m',$to_date); $to_d = date('d',$to_date); ?>


".UserToGMT($logs_from)." AND time < (".UserToGMT($logs_to)."+86400) "; } else if (isset($byip)) { $loglim = ''; $sql.= "AND ip = '".$byip."' "; } else if (isset($search_logs)) { include LIB_SEARFUNC; $sql_sear = logSearch(); $sql.= $sql_sear; } $sql.= "ORDER BY logid DESC "; if ($sql_sear == '' && $loglim) { $sql .= (isset($offset)) ? "LIMIT ".$offset.",".$loglim : "LIMIT ".$loglim; } $res = mysql_query($sql); // show the whole log-list: include INC_LOGLIST; ?>


[s] mp  
/> /> /> /> /> /> />


($curr_gmt_time-(30*24*60*30))"; $res = mysql_query($sql); $online_mo = mysql_result($res,0,0); $mp_mo = mysql_result($res,0,1); ?>


$mpfront_lim) ? $mpfront_lim : $mp_cnt; if (!is_int($num/3)) $num_per_col = ceil($num/3); else $num_per_col = $num/3; for ($m = 1; $mp_cnt >= $m && $mpfront_lim >= $m; $m++) { $gif_name = get_gif_name($m); $mp_url = shortString($mpArr[$m]['url'],37,3); if ($m == 1) echo "\n
\n"; if (($m == $num_per_col+1) || ($m == 2*$num_per_col+1)) echo "\n"; if ($m<10) echo "0"; echo "$m. "; echo "\"$m\""; echo " $mp_url (".$mpArr[$m]['hits'].")
\n"; } ?>