www.knijper.nl * Rob den Toom */ $strCharset = "iso-8859-1"; $strThousandSep = " "; $strDate = "d-m-Y"; $strDate2 = "M d, Y"; $strNumThousandsSep = ','; $strNumDecimalSep = '.'; $strByteUnits = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'); $strOn = "aan"; $strOff = "uit"; $strEnable = "activeer"; $strEnabled = "geactiveerd"; $strDisable = "uitgeschakeld"; $strDisabled = "uitgeschakeld"; $strDellog = "verwijder logbestanden"; $strTopOfPage = "naar boven"; $strTotal = "totaal"; $strHits = "hits"; $strUniqs = "uniqs"; $strUniq = "uniq"; $strPageimpressions = "pagina impressies"; $strDomains = "domeinen"; $strConfiguration = "configuratie"; $strCurrConfig = "huidige configuratie:"; $strUsername = "gebruikersnaam"; $strPassword = "wachtwoord"; $strDelete = "verwijderen"; $strUser = "gebruiker"; $strUseraccount = "useraccount"; $strUseraccounts = "useraccounts"; $strFrom = "van"; $strTo = "aan"; $strTo2 = "aan"; $strEdit = "edit"; $strSet = "set"; $strMove = "verplaats"; $strDefault = "default"; $strCreateNew = "maak nieuwe"; $strSave = "bewaar"; $strUnknown = "onbekend"; $strUndefined = "niet gedefinieerd"; $strCache = "cache"; $strSeconds = "seconden"; $strDatabase = "database"; $strTable = "tabel"; $strCalc = "calc"; $strStep = "step"; $strSystem = "systeem"; // These are displayed in the timezone select box $loca['tz']['-12'] = "(GMT -12:00 uur) Eniwetok, Kwajalein"; $loca['tz']['-11'] = "(GMT -11:00 uur) Midway Island, Samoa"; $loca['tz']['-10'] = "(GMT -10:00 uur) Hawaii"; $loca['tz']['-9'] = "(GMT -9:00 uur) Alaska"; $loca['tz']['-8'] = "(GMT -8:00 uur) Pacific Time (US & Canada), Tijuana"; $loca['tz']['-7'] = "(GMT -7:00 uur) Mountain Time (US & Canada), Arizona"; $loca['tz']['-6'] = "(GMT -6:00 uur) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City"; $loca['tz']['-5'] = "(GMT -5:00 uur) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima, Quito"; $loca['tz']['-4'] = "(GMT -4:00 uur) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz"; $loca['tz']['-3.5'] = "(GMT -3:30 uur) Newfoundland"; $loca['tz']['-3'] = "(GMT -3:00 uur) Brassila, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Falkland Is"; $loca['tz']['-2'] = "(GMT -2:00 uur) Mid-Atlantic, Ascension Is., St. Helena"; $loca['tz']['-1'] = "(GMT -1:00 uur) Azores, Cape Verde Islands"; $loca['tz']['0'] = "(GMT) Casablanca, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon, Monrovia"; $loca['tz']['1'] = "(GMT +1:00 uur) Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Madrid, Paris, Rome"; $loca['tz']['2'] = "(GMT +2:00 uur) Cairo, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, South Africa"; $loca['tz']['3'] = "(GMT +3:00 uur) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi"; $loca['tz']['3.5'] = "(GMT +3:30 uur) Tehran"; $loca['tz']['4'] = "(GMT +4:00 uur) Abu Dhabi, Baku, Muscat, Tbilisi"; $loca['tz']['4.5'] = "(GMT +4:30 uur) Kabul"; $loca['tz']['5'] = "(GMT +5:00 uur) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent"; $loca['tz']['5.5'] = "(GMT +5:30 uur) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi"; $loca['tz']['6'] = "(GMT +6:00 uur) Almaty, Colombo, Dhaka, Novosibirsk"; $loca['tz']['6.5'] = "(GMT +6:30 hours) Rangoon"; $loca['tz']['7'] = "(GMT +7:00 uur) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta"; $loca['tz']['8'] = "(GMT +8:00 uur) Beijing, Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei"; $loca['tz']['9'] = "(GMT +9:00 uur) Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Tokyo, Yakutsk"; $loca['tz']['9.5'] = "(GMT +9:30 uur) Adelaide, Darwin"; $loca['tz']['10'] = "(GMT +10:00 uur) Canberra, Guam, Melbourne, Sydney, Vladivostok"; $loca['tz']['11'] = "(GMT +11:00 uur) Magadan, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands"; $loca['tz']['12'] = "(GMT +12:00 uur) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Marshall Island"; // Language selection $loca['lang']['bh'] = "Bosnian"; $loca['lang']['cn'] = "Chinese Simplified"; $loca['lang']['de'] = "German"; $loca['lang']['dk'] = "Danish"; $loca['lang']['en'] = "English"; $loca['lang']['es'] = "Spanish"; $loca['lang']['fr'] = "French"; $loca['lang']['gr'] = "Greek"; $loca['lang']['it'] = "Italian"; $loca['lang']['jp'] = "Japanese"; $loca['lang']['lv'] = "Latvian"; $loca['lang']['nl'] = "Dutch"; $loca['lang']['no'] = "Norwegian"; $loca['lang']['pl'] = "Polish"; $loca['lang']['po'] = "Brazilian Portugese"; $loca['lang']['ro'] = "Romanian"; $loca['lang']['ru'] = "Russian"; $loca['lang']['se'] = "Swedish"; $loca['lang']['tr'] = "Turkish"; $loca['lang']['tw'] = "Traditional Chinese"; // setup.php $strSetup = "Setup"; $loca['setup']['header1'] = "Admin Settings"; $loca['setup']['header2'] = "General Settings"; $loca['setup']['header3'] = "Special Settings"; $loca['setup']['header4'] = "Graphic Settings"; $loca['setup']['header5'] = "Log Limits / Auto Deletion"; $loca['setup']['header6'] = "Display Limits"; $loca['setup']['header7'] = "Display Settings"; $loca['setup']['intro_txt'] = "This script will help you set up the variables that you need to start. You will be taken through a variety of pages. Each page sets a different portion of the script."; $loca['setup']['step0_txt'] = "License -- Please read through the GNU General Public License. PowerPhlogger is developed as free software, but there are certain requirements for distributing and editing."; $loca['setup']['step1_txt'] = "general settings -- Please check all fields on this page and make sure you enter the correct information. If you're not sure, just keep the default values."; $loca['setup']['step2_txt'] = "optional settings -- For most of these settings you should keep the default value. Only edit them if you're sure about it."; $loca['setup']['step3_txt_a'] = "setup successfully -- you can now start to work with PowerPhlogger.

Please don't forget to rename your /admin directory and secure it with htaccess.
Please carefully read the Documentation for further information"; $loca['setup']['step3_txt_b'] = "you can now start setting up user-accounts"; $loca['setup']['pphlogger_location']['title'] = "PowerPhlogger Location"; $loca['setup']['pphlogger_location']['descr'] = "URL of your PowerPhlogger root directory"; $loca['setup']['admin_mail']['title'] = "Admin Email Adress"; $loca['setup']['admin_mail']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['admin_name']['title'] = "Admin Name"; $loca['setup']['admin_name']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['admin_pw']['title'] = "Administrator Password"; $loca['setup']['admin_pw']['descr'] = "Used to delete user-accounts"; $loca['setup']['server_GMT']['title'] = "System Timezone"; $loca['setup']['server_GMT']['descr'] = "timezone where your server is located"; $loca['setup']['admin_GMT']['title'] = "Administrator Timezone"; $loca['setup']['admin_GMT']['descr'] = "timezone where you are located"; $loca['setup']['default_lang']['title'] = "Default Language"; $loca['setup']['default_lang']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['cssid']['title'] = "Default Style Sheet"; $loca['setup']['cssid']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['signup_ok']['title'] = "Enable User Self-Signup"; $loca['setup']['signup_ok']['descr'] = "Do you want to make the Sign-Up page available for users to sign-up for a useraccount?"; $loca['setup']['master_timeout']['title'] = "Userlog Timeout"; $loca['setup']['master_timeout']['descr'] = "[in sec, default = 30min = 1800]"; $loca['setup']['traceroute']['title'] = "Traceroute URL"; $loca['setup']['traceroute']['descr'] = "If you know another service that lets you do tracerouts, enter it here."; $loca['setup']['pass_length']['title'] = "User Password Length"; $loca['setup']['pass_length']['descr'] = "The length of the generated password (do NOT set this higher than 15!)"; $loca['setup']['pw_privacy']['title'] = "Password Privacy"; $loca['setup']['pw_privacy']['descr'] = "If you set pw_privacy to false, a BCC: of the plain-text password confirmation email will be sent to the admin's email-address. Out of privacy reasons, default is set to true."; $loca['setup']['cache_calendar']['title'] = "Calendar Cache"; $loca['setup']['cache_calendar']['descr'] = "Set caching-time in seconds. If you set this to 0 (default), calendar will use the advanced caching update function (highly recommended!)"; $loca['setup']['mxlookup']['title'] = "MX Lookup"; $loca['setup']['mxlookup']['descr'] = "To make the email-validation-function more intelligent, enable this. If enabled, the function verifies the existence of the domain. Default is false, as some win32 PHP builds don't support this!"; $loca['setup']['loopback_bug']['title'] = "Loopback Bug"; $loca['setup']['loopback_bug']['descr'] = "Only enable this if you're using a f2s or similar hosting provider and you're getting wrong IP/proxy-information!"; $loca['setup']['mysqldump_on']['title'] = "MySQL Dump"; $loca['setup']['mysqldump_on']['descr'] = "enable/disable the mysql dump in the settings tab for all users"; $loca['setup']['md5form']['title'] = "MD5 Login Form"; $loca['setup']['md5form']['descr'] = "enable/disable the md5-encryption (using JS) for the login-form"; $loca['setup']['mail_mod']['title'] = "Mailing Module"; $loca['setup']['mail_mod']['descr'] = "Choose the mailing-module you wish to use to send the confirmation emails including the pphlogger.js-attachment [libmail|htmlmime|plain]"; $loca['setup']['GD_enabled']['title'] = "GD Enabled"; $loca['setup']['GD_enabled']['descr'] = "If you cannot get your GD-lib run at all or if your hosting provider doesn't wnat to install it, you could disable GD-image in PPhlogger. You will miss a lot of great features if you set this to false, though!"; $loca['setup']['gd_img_type']['title'] = "GD Image Type"; $loca['setup']['gd_img_type']['descr'] = "GD-library: Change this to the correct image format if you encounter any problems. Default is 'auto' for auto-detection. [auto|png|gif|jpeg]"; $loca['setup']['Freetype_enabled']['title'] = "Freetype Enabled"; $loca['setup']['Freetype_enabled']['descr'] = "If you cannot get your Freetype-library run at all or if your hosting provider doesn't wnat to install it, you could disable this. Users won't be able to use TTF-fonts for their counter display. Built-in fonts should be available, though."; $loca['setup']['ttf_location']['title'] = "TTF Location"; $loca['setup']['ttf_location']['descr'] = "If you're not able to see the counter image and you're using GD 2.x or GD 1.x in a buggy PHP distribution, try to set an absolute server-path to your ttf_fonts directory. Otherwise DO NOT CHANGE THIS! [relative|/your/absolute/path/to/ttf_fonts/]"; $loca['setup']['cleanup_lim']['title'] = "Clean-Up Limit"; $loca['setup']['cleanup_lim']['descr'] = "time-limit after which unconfirmed user-accounts get deleted using the clean-up link in admin2 [hours]"; $loca['setup']['cleanup_old']['title'] = "Clean-Up Old Limit"; $loca['setup']['cleanup_old']['descr'] = "After how many days should unused (no hits, no login) accounts get deleted? [days]"; $loca['setup']['dellog_global']['title'] = "Log Deletion Global Switch"; $loca['setup']['dellog_global']['descr'] = "If you set this to false, each user's own settings will be used. If you set it to true, use the following values..."; $loca['setup']['dellog_lim']['title'] = "Log Deletion by Logs"; $loca['setup']['dellog_lim']['descr'] = "Set number of logs to store. If you set this to 0, there will be no limit [default]."; $loca['setup']['dellog_lim_d']['title'] = "Log Deletion by Days"; $loca['setup']['dellog_lim_d']['descr'] = "Set number of days after which logs get deleted. If you set this to 0, there will be no limit [default]."; $loca['setup']['dellog_lim_prob']['title'] = "Log Deletion Probability"; $loca['setup']['dellog_lim_prob']['descr'] = "Deletion probability in percent"; $loca['setup']['delpath_global']['title'] = "Path Deletion Global Switch"; $loca['setup']['delpath_global']['descr'] = "If you set this to false, each user's own settings will be used. If you set it to true, use the following values..."; $loca['setup']['delpath_lim']['title'] = "Path Deletion by Logs"; $loca['setup']['delpath_lim']['descr'] = "Set number of visitor paths to store. If you set this to 0, there will be no limit."; $loca['setup']['delpath_lim_d']['title'] = "Path Deletion by Days"; $loca['setup']['delpath_lim_d']['descr'] = "Set number of days after which visitor paths get deleted. If you set this to 0, there will be no limit [default]."; $loca['setup']['delpath_lim_prob']['title'] = "Path Deletion Probability"; $loca['setup']['delpath_lim_prob']['descr'] = "Deletion probability in percent"; $loca['setup']['show_cust']['title'] = "Userlog Customer Limit"; $loca['setup']['show_cust']['descr'] = "How many customer-logs should be displayed in the userlog?"; $loca['setup']['calendar_months']['title'] = "Calendar Months Limit"; $loca['setup']['calendar_months']['descr'] = "How many months should be displayed in the calendar?"; $loca['setup']['topref_lim']['title'] = "Top Referrers Limit"; $loca['setup']['topref_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['topdomain_lim']['title'] = "Top Domains Limit"; $loca['setup']['topdomain_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['topres_lim']['title'] = "Top Resolution Limit"; $loca['setup']['topres_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['topcolor_lim']['title'] = "Top Color Limit"; $loca['setup']['topcolor_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['topkeywords_lim']['title'] = "Top Keywords Limit"; $loca['setup']['topkeywords_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['topbrowseros_lim']['title'] = "Top Browser/OS Limit"; $loca['setup']['topbrowseros_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['topsearcheng_lim']['title'] = "Top Searchengines Limit"; $loca['setup']['topsearcheng_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['mpfront_lim']['title'] = "MP-front Limit"; $loca['setup']['mpfront_lim']['descr'] = "Limit multi-pages on the bottom of the Logs-view."; $loca['setup']['useraccount_lim']['title'] = "Useraccount-View Limit"; $loca['setup']['useraccount_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['lastref_lim']['title'] = "Last Referrer List Limit"; $loca['setup']['lastref_lim']['descr'] = ""; $loca['setup']['width_max']['title'] = "MP Width Maximum"; $loca['setup']['width_max']['descr'] = "MP view-bar in Logs [pixel]"; $loca['setup']['width_factor']['title'] = "MP Width Factor"; $loca['setup']['width_factor']['descr'] = "MP view-bar in Logs [factor]"; $loca['setup']['browseros_barsize']['title'] = "Browser/OS Bar Size"; $loca['setup']['browseros_barsize']['descr'] = "Maximum size of the percentage-bars in Browser/OS statistics [pixel]"; $loca['setup']['extended']['title'] = "Extended Log-List"; $loca['setup']['extended']['descr'] = "If you set this to false, you won't see the res & color column (only recommended for users with small resolution monitors)"; $loca['setup']['ttf_demo_size']['title'] = "TTF Demo Size"; $loca['setup']['ttf_demo_size']['descr'] = "TTF-font demonstration [points]"; $loca['setup']['css_show']['title'] = "CSS Overview"; $loca['setup']['css_show']['descr'] = "Which colors should be visible in the CSS edit table overview? [comma-separated]"; //email stuff $strAccActivation = "account activatie"; // pages $strUsrPage[0] = "inloggen/uitloggen"; $strUsrPage[1] = "logbestand"; $strUsrPage[2] = "bezoekers"; $strUsrPage[3] = "dag / maand staten"; $strUsrPage[4] = "browser, OS"; $strUsrPage[5] = "instellingen"; $strUsrPage[6] = "gebruikersprofiel"; $strAdminPage[0] = "administratie"; $strAdminPage[1] = "maak/verwijder user"; $strAdminPage[2] = "useraccounts"; $strAdminPage[3] = "laatste users"; $strAdminPage[4] = "CSS editor"; $strAdminPage[5] = "statistieken"; $strAdminPage[6] = "mailing list"; // functions.lib.php $strPrev = "vorige"; $strNext = "volgende"; // headfoot.inc.php $strTrackedSite = "De website die nu gemeten wordt is:"; $strCurrentTime = "Het is nu"; $strHeadDateFormat = "M d, h:iA"; $strYourHits = "uw hits:"; $strSlogan = "Power Phlogger, online statistieken"; // index.php $strEnterUsernPw = "Voer uw gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in"; $strLostPw = "Wachtwoord kwijt?"; $strLinkNewPw = "Nieuw wachtwoord"; $strGetFreeAccount = "Klik hier voor een gratis account"; $strSignUpUseracc = "Klik hier voor een gratis account"; $strMsgWrongPw = "U heeft een verkeerd wachtwoord of gebruikersnaam ingevoerd!
Probeer het opnieuw."; $strMsgNewPw = "Uw nieuwe wachtwoord is aangemaakt.
Het nieuwe wachtwoord is verzonden naar het door u opgegeven e-mailadres."; // dspNewPw.php $strForVerification = "Voer uw gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in voor identificatie"; $strGetIt = ""; $strMsgNoValidUser = "U heeft geen geldige gebruikersnaam en/of wachtwoord ingevuld
Probeer het opnieuw"; // signup.php $strSignUp = "Maak nu uw persoonlijke account:"; $strHtmlCode = "HTML Code"; $strAddHtmlCode = "voeg de volgende html code in op de pagina's die u gemeten wilt hebben:"; $strJsFile = "als u uw persoonlijke cooltracker.js file kwijt bent kunt u die hier weer downloaden:"; $strInstructions = "INSTRUCTIES:"; $strConfLogin = "als u in wilt loggen met uw nieuwe account, moet u inloggen met het paswoord die wij u met de email hebben toegezonden."; $strConfLogin2 = "Als u uw nieuwe account niet bevestigd wordt uw account gedelete na ".$cleanup_lim." uur"; $strUploadJs = "upload de tracker.js-bestand die u heeft ontvangen als attachment."; $strNoSignUp = "Sorry, we kunnen geen gratis accounts meer verstrekken op deze server !"; $strReturnToLogin = "keer terug naar het login scherm"; // dspLogs.php $strShowLogs = "laat logbestanden zien:"; $strSelect = "selecteren"; $strUnselect = "unselect"; $strAll = "alles"; $strTurnShowref = "zet referenties"; $strFullAgt = "volledige agent info"; $strDemoMode = "in demo-mode!"; $strGuestMsg1 = "als gast-gebruiker is het u niet toegestaan om logbestanden te deleten."; $strGuestMsg2 = "zet a.u.b. de delete-logbestanden funktie aan."; $strViewLogs = "laat logbestanden zien"; $strHostIP = "host / IP-adres"; $strReferrer = "referentie"; $strReferrers = "referenties"; $strAgent = "agent informatie"; $strRes = "resolutie"; $strColor = "kleur"; $strTimestamp = "tijd"; $strProxy = "proxy"; // dspStats.php $strVisPerDay = "bezoekers per dag"; $strPerDay = "per dag"; $strVisPerHour = "bezoekers per uur"; $strLast = "laatste"; $strMonth = "maand"; $strMonths = "maanden"; $strToday = "vandaag"; $strAverage = "gemiddelde"; $strAverageAbbr = "gem."; $strDay = "dag"; $strDays = "dag"; $strCurrOnlUsers = "gebruikers momenteel online"; $strIPkept = "IP's worden de laatste"; $strIPkept2 = "minuten behouden"; $strOnline = "online"; $strEntryTime = "binnenkomst tijd"; $strLastReload = "laatste reload"; $strLastUrl = "laatste URL"; $strSince = "sinds"; $strMultipage = "veelvuldige pagina's"; $strKeywords = "sleutelwoorden"; $strSingleWords = "single words"; $strWholeStrings = "whole strings"; $strDownloads = "downloads"; $strTerritories = "gebieden"; $str_arrMonths = Array(1 => "Januari", "Februari", "Maart", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Augustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December"); $str_arrMonthsAbbr = Array(1 => "Jan", "Feb", "Mrt", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"); $str_area = Array( 'EU' => 'Europa', 'AM' => 'Amerika', 'AF' => 'Afrika', 'AS' => 'Azie', 'OZ' => 'Oceanie', 'GUS' => 'GUS' ); // dspCalendar.php $strShowUniqVis = "laat unieke bezoekers zien"; $strShowPageimpress = "laat alle pagina-impressies zien"; $strReload = "reload"; // edSettings.php $strCookieTxt = "maak een cookie om eigen hits te verbergen:"; $strCountMe = "tel me!"; $strDontCountMe = "tel me niet!"; $strEnableDellog = "delete logbestanden aan"; $strDisableDellog = "delete logbestanden uit"; $strEnableDellog2 = "delete functie aan:"; $strResetHits = "reset hits"; $strResHitsTxt = "om uw hit nr. te veranderen moet u een nummer invoeren:"; $strMysqlDump = "bekijk mySQL dump (schema)"; $strStructOnly = "struktuur alleen"; $strAddDropTbl = "'drop table' toevoegen"; $strStructData = "structuur en data"; $strSend = "zenden"; $strComplInserts = "complete inserts"; $strDiskSpace = "harddisk ruimte"; $strAvailSpace = "beschikbare ruimte"; $strUsedSpace = "bebruikte ruimte over"; $strDbSpace = "gebruikte database ruimte"; $strFreeSpace = "vrije ruimte over"; $strFileUpload = "veelvoudige bestand upload"; $strMaxFilesize = "maximum bestands grootte"; $strErrUpload = "Fout in upload. probeer opnieuw."; $strUploadOk = "met succes geupload!!"; $strFilename = "bestandsnaam"; $strSize = "grootte"; $strYourLast = "uw laatste"; $strCustomers = "bezoekers"; $strYourTimeout = "de timeout is gezet op"; $strMinutes = "minuten."; $strBlocking = "blocking"; $strShortQuery = "short query"; $strOwnReferrers = "eigen referrers"; // edUserprofile.php $strUserprofile = ". Wijzig hier uw gebruikersprofiel."; $strEditProfile = "Verander uw configuratie en klik de button:"; $strUrl1Txt = "URL naar uw index file op de website die gemeten moet worden."; $strUrl2Txt = "Als u een 2e URL hebt die naar dezelfde pagina verwijst
type het op een nieuwe regel:"; $strEmail = "email adres:"; $strTimezone = "uw tijdzone:"; $strUserLang = "gebruikerstaal:"; $strVisible = "zichtbaar:"; $strVisibleStyle = "zichtbare manier:"; $strTimeout = "korte onderbreking:"; $strEmailNotif = "email notificatie: elke "; $strDefLogNo = "normaal aantal logbestanden:"; $strKwListMode = "keyword-lijst met:"; $strAllowDemo = "sta demo-mode toe:"; $strTTF = "kies lettertype:"; $strAvailFonts = "beschikbare fonts"; $strFontSize = "lettertype grootte:"; $strFontColor = "lettertype kleur:"; $strBgColor = "achtergrond kleur:"; $strTransBg = "doorzichtige achtergrond:"; $strSample = "voorbeeld:"; $strChangePw = "verander hier uw wachtwoord:"; $strOldPw = "oude wachtwoord:"; $strNewPw = "nieuwe wachtwoord"; $strReenterPw = "opnieuw nieuwe wachtwoord:"; $strLoadCSS = "welke stylesheet:"; $strView4Msg1 = "gebruikersprofiel met succes geupdate."; $strView4Msg2 = "probleem met updaten van uw gebruikersprofiel"; $strView4Msg3 = "als gast mag u
helemaal niets veranderen"; $strPwChanged = "wachtwoord veranderd"; $strWrongPw = "verkeerd wachtwoord"; // admin/index.php $strAdmin = "administratie"; $strMaintenance = "onderhoud"; $strCheckNewVer = "check voor een nieuwe versie"; $strCreate = "maak een nieuwe gebruiker:"; $strAdminMsg1 = "gebruiker bestaat al"; $strAdminMsg2 = "gebruiker met succes gemaakt"; $strAdminMsg3 = "u heeft een foutief e-mailadres ingevoerd"; $strAdminMsg4 = "gebruikersnamen mogen alleen cijfers en letters bevatten,
.,-,_, en moeten minder dan 30 karakters bevatten."; $strAdminErr1 = "probleem met aanmaken nieuwe gebruiker"; $strDelUser = "verwijder gebruiker:"; $strDelErr = "probleem"; $strDelOk = "alle gebruikers data verwijderd!"; $strWrongPwUser = "verkeerde inloggegevens"; $strAdminCookie = "maak administrator cookie"; $strNetcheck = "netcheck aan"; $strHideAccounts = "onzichtbare gebruikers"; $strShowAccounts = "laat gebruikers zien"; $strReadyDelete = "wilt u dit eccht verwijderen?"; $strMailinglist = "mailing list"; $strLatestPphlVers = "meest recente PowerPhlogger Versie"; $strLatestVersion = "laatste versie"; $strReleaseDate = "release datum"; $strDownloadLoc = "Download Locations"; $strReloadKeywords = "reload keywords"; $strReloadKeyw1 = "This will refresh your users keyword-toplist"; $strReloadKeyw2 = "Do not run this unless you've modified engines-list.ini !!"; // admin/change_userprofile.php $strMaxLoglim = "maximum log limiet:"; $strMaxPath = "maximum bewaarde bezoekers paths:"; ?>