main.php) - run the PPhlogger upgrade script in your NEW directory e.g. /upgrade/upd_2.2.1-2.2.2.php - test the new version from the NEW directory - remove the OLD directory and move the NEW one to its place - DONE ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ define('LIB_GRABGLOBALS', PPHL_SCRIPT_PATH.'libraries/grab_globals.lib.'.CFG_PHPEXT); $img_dir = PPHL_SCRIPT_PATH.'img/'; if (!defined('__MAIN_DUMMY__')){ include LIB_GRABGLOBALS; define('__MAIN_DUMMY__', 1); } if (isset($st)) { switch(@$st) { /* script was called through IMG-Tag */ case 'img': Header("Content-type: image/gif"); readfile($img_dir.'clear.gif'); break; /* script was called through JavaScript */ case 'js': echo "\ndocument.write(' ')\ndocument.close()\n"; break; /* script was called directly in PHP */ case 'php': echo ''; break; /* script was called directly in PHP using JS for extended information */ case 'phpjs': echo ''; break; default: echo "\ndocument.write(' ')\ndocument.close()\n"; break; } } else { if (defined('__PPHLOGGERJS_PHP__')) { echo "\ndocument.write(' ')\ndocument.close()\n"; } else { echo 'Sorry, PowerPhlogger services currently are not available due to maintenance!'; } exit; } ?>