*/ // make sure we got an absolute path - this is required in GD2! if (@$ttf_location == 'relative' || @$ttf_location == '') { $ttf_realdir = (function_exists('realpath')) ? realpath(CFG_TTF_PATH).'/' : CFG_TTF_PATH; } else { $ttf_realdir = @$ttf_location; } // Set the path to you fonts dir putenv('GDFONTPATH='.$ttf_realdir); if(CFG_OLDGD) { // In some ancient GD1 versions (mainly in PHP3), ImageTTFBBox only accepts // filenames including their path. $ttf_file = $ttf_realdir.$ttf_file; } else { // Make sure there is no .ttf extension, GD2 doesn't like this! $ttf_file = eregi_replace('.ttf','',$ttf_file); } if ($Freetype_enabled) { $size=ImageTTFBBox($ttf_size,0,$ttf_file,$show_txt); $SizeX = $size[2]-$size[0] + 6; $SizeY = $size[1]-$size[5] + 4; } else { $SizeX = strlen($show_txt)*($gd_font + 5); $SizeY = ($gd_font == 1) ? 15 : 20; } $im = imagecreate($SizeX, $SizeY); $c = getRGB($bg_c); $bgcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, $c["red"], $c["green"], $c["blue"]); if ($bg_trans) $bgcolortrans = ImageColorTransparent($im, $bgcolor); $c = getRGB($fg_c); $fgcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, $c["red"], $c["green"], $c["blue"]); if ($Freetype_enabled) { ImageTTFText($im,$ttf_size,0,2,-$size[5],$fgcolor,$ttf_file,$show_txt); } else { ImageString($im, $gd_font, 3, 3, $show_txt, $fgcolor); } if ($img_format != 'auto') { // GIF support was removed in GDlib v.1.6 $fct_image = 'image'.$img_format; Header('Content-type: image/'.$img_format); $fct_image($im); } else { Header("Content-type: image/gif"); readfile(CFG_IMG_PATH."clear.gif"); } ImageDestroy($im); } ?>